Second successful aerial application of 1080 for predator control
Winter 2023 has seen the second successful aerial application of 1080 in te Raukūmara, another essential step in the long journey towards...
Second successful aerial application of 1080 for predator control
Kōtuku Award for Raukūmara Pae Maunga
Putiputi o Te Aopouri – Flower of the Underworld discovered and kept alive by a man and his dog
Matariki celebration for our part of the world
Bringing kiwi back to te Raukūmara
Aerial operations take off for deer and goat cull
Rongoa wānanga
Kiwi-cam siting!
Taking Raukūmara Pae Maunga to the People
Kaimahi aim for 'elite' status after predator control wānanga
Pre-Monitoring Operation to the Oronui and Mangatutara
Iwi-led conservation group begin Raukūmara Range regeneration project
Graeme Atkins, lone ranger out east
Rescuing Raukumara - $34 million for restoration project